Fiber Festivals!! Homespun Yarn Party, Savage Mill Maryland

This was quite fun. My friend Vanessa of The Vintage Rose Knittique mentioned to me last week about this Homespun Yarn Party only 2 hours away. I checked out the list of vendors and was totally excited to see a bunch of really indie dyers, expecting a bunch of one of a kind fun stuff to buy up. I was not disapointed!! The venue was a little cramped, and it was tough with the kids in tow but my husband helped wrangle them around.


As soon as the kids found the fiber they wanted -yes, they are little spinners now! My hubby sat down with them at the craft tables so I could get some hardcore shopping on. He was much more interested in the event than I thought. He’s been making spindles and was blown away by the variety of what people had made. Very inspiring for him I think 🙂

I won’t inundate you with yarn porn here, so I got one good shot of all my goodies out together:


Punis from Gourmet Stash in “Orchid Color Shift”
Some “Bunny Love” Roving from Slippery Slope Farm (so soft!!!!!!)
Also from Slippery Slope, my son picked out some Merino Roving “Peanut” (this is either the color or the animal it was shorn from) and some soap.

Tempting Ewe Roving in a very bold orange (my daughter’s pick) and a skein of Ewe So Sparkly Sock in “Snow Cones”
Two blue Alpaca/Wool/Angelina batts from Kate’s Cauldron
A Harry Potter inspired yellow roving (I’m readopting it for a honeybee care package cause it is PERFECT) from 222 Handspun
As well as a bag of totally random handyed fiber bits and bobs for my daughter, from 222 Handspun (Wishing I would have grabbed one of her art batts, they were gorgeous!)
From Wild Hare Fiber Studio, a beautiful purple and black and neon pink with sparkle batt, and some sock yarn in “Time Machine” (Dr. Who!!) Picked out by my son, because it matched his coat.

Nolan trying out a wheel
Nolan trying out a wheel

As we left the party, I heard there were actually two whole other yarn stores in this mill, so of course, we went to find them.

From Peaknits: I learned a bunch from the ladies working ther about spinning with different types of fiber. I picked up a big ol’ ball of Peace Fleece Roving, and some Yearling Mohair in the colorway “Silvermist” Rebecca had in stock from a local called Cottage Dyeworks.

We’d had about all we could take, being that I do get a little claustrophobic. If I had any suggestions for the event planners, make use of all that extra room in the empty mill shops. Don’t cram all the vendors in one room. The line was out the door for quite a while since they could only allow so many people in at a time due to fire codes I’m sure.

All in all it was a nice time. Not as overwhelming as Rhinebeck, more indie/unique stuff, and a short drive (for us, from Dover).

Plus there was this super cool giant chair:

hsyp2014 hsyp20142

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