Simple Adventures: Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts

I took my husband and kids back to my hometown of Cedarburg, Wisconsin for Christmas this year. I love Wisconsin, and even more so love Cedarburg, with it’s quaint old-world charm. In some recent years, a little museum sprang up quite close to my parents house- and I have driven past it wishing I could goContinue reading “Simple Adventures: Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts”

Big Project Commitment Fears- Quilting

I have this habit of starting projects, and not finishing them. Or at least this is what people have told me. I think this is why I love baking- even a “large” project like a birthday cake for the kids is only a couple hours in the making. But I have been on Pinterest andContinue reading “Big Project Commitment Fears- Quilting”

Suburban Stitcher

crafter. podcaster.

beth whiteside design

in the world of things made with string


Promoting "Spinning in Public" and other crazy notions...

crafts, food, simple pleasures

Frog Me Knot

A knitter displaced from Mississippi and trying to navigate life in upstate New York


Eat . Explore . Knit . Grow

It's Knot You

Happy healthy living with a lot of fiber

Rattohorse's Weblog

Just another weblog


Conceptual musings about art and fine craft News

crafts, food, simple pleasures

A Beautiful Mess

crafts, food, simple pleasures


crafts, food, simple pleasures

Knit Spin Farm

crafts, food, simple pleasures