Operation Free the Loom!! a.k.a. finish the damn weaving project already.

Once again I have been favoring instagram over my blog. It is just so much easier to not have to write about my projects, when I have so much going on. This month I have been super busy, despite taking a break from my college classes which was supposed to give me more time toContinue reading “Operation Free the Loom!! a.k.a. finish the damn weaving project already.”

Suburban Stitcher

crafter. podcaster.

beth whiteside design

in the world of things made with string


Promoting "Spinning in Public" and other crazy notions...

crafts, food, simple pleasures

Frog Me Knot

A knitter displaced from Mississippi and trying to navigate life in upstate New York


Eat . Explore . Knit . Grow

It's Knot You

Happy healthy living with a lot of fiber

Rattohorse's Weblog

Just another WordPress.com weblog


Conceptual musings about art and fine craft

WordPress.com News

crafts, food, simple pleasures

A Beautiful Mess

crafts, food, simple pleasures


crafts, food, simple pleasures

Knit Spin Farm

crafts, food, simple pleasures