Homeade e-spinner that rocks

I think a while back I mentioned my husband was building me a spinning wheel. I am a novice spinner, having only had a single beginners drop spindle and a new laceweight trindle, with exactly one skein of lovely spindle spun yarn finished since I began trying to spin. My husband only took a minorContinue reading “Homeade e-spinner that rocks”

Suburban Stitcher

crafter. podcaster.

beth whiteside design

in the world of things made with string


Promoting "Spinning in Public" and other crazy notions...

crafts, food, simple pleasures

Frog Me Knot

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Eat . Explore . Knit . Grow

It's Knot You

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Rattohorse's Weblog

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crafts, food, simple pleasures

A Beautiful Mess

crafts, food, simple pleasures


crafts, food, simple pleasures

Knit Spin Farm

crafts, food, simple pleasures