Loose ends…..a baby sweater WIP

I am fairly certain my least favorite part of a project is dealing with all the finishing. Depending on the object, I try to weave in ends as I go, but this has not been happening lately. This sweater by DROPs Design is called the McDreamy. I loved it on the little baby model inContinue reading “Loose ends…..a baby sweater WIP”

Homeade e-spinner that rocks

I think a while back I mentioned my husband was building me a spinning wheel. I am a novice spinner, having only had a single beginners drop spindle and a new laceweight trindle, with exactly one skein of lovely spindle spun yarn finished since I began trying to spin. My husband only took a minorContinue reading “Homeade e-spinner that rocks”

Drop Spindling: Why not?

A while back I ordered a drop spindle and spun the little sample of fiber that came with it. Ugh what a mess. But I was hooked, and ordered some wool roving from knitpicks. When it came in the mail, initially I was all “it’s so FLUFFY!” But then, the realization……it took several hours toContinue reading “Drop Spindling: Why not?”

Pinterest Win! Bird’s Nest Necklace

I hosted a “Pinterest Party” a little while ago, and had a number of projects which we tried out, so much fun- I’ll post about that later. But one of the projects I had planned for us to make was this super cute Bird’s Nest Pendant- Tute Here -and we just never got to it.Continue reading “Pinterest Win! Bird’s Nest Necklace”

Handsewing: Yo-Yo’s

Here is my first Pinterest-inspired and completed project! I came across “yo-yo” quilting and was intrigued. All those tiny hand-sewn little circles sewn together one by one, the perfect project to work on while watching t.v. and relaxing! I picked up 1/4 yard of a few coordinating colors and found a nifty yo-yo “maker”.This little gadget savesContinue reading “Handsewing: Yo-Yo’s”

Suburban Stitcher

crafter. podcaster.

beth whiteside design

in the world of things made with string


Promoting "Spinning in Public" and other crazy notions...

crafts, food, simple pleasures

Frog Me Knot

A knitter displaced from Mississippi and trying to navigate life in upstate New York


Eat . Explore . Knit . Grow

It's Knot You

Happy healthy living with a lot of fiber

Rattohorse's Weblog

Just another WordPress.com weblog


Conceptual musings about art and fine craft

WordPress.com News

crafts, food, simple pleasures

A Beautiful Mess

crafts, food, simple pleasures


crafts, food, simple pleasures

Knit Spin Farm

crafts, food, simple pleasures