Loose ends…..a baby sweater WIP

I am fairly certain my least favorite part of a project is dealing with all the finishing. Depending on the object, I try to weave in ends as I go, but this has not been happening lately. This sweater by DROPs Design is called the McDreamy. I loved it on the little baby model inContinue reading “Loose ends…..a baby sweater WIP”

Finished Object: Knit Oaklet Shawl

A few years ago, if you would have told me it was fun to knit shawls I would have laughed. “What is the point, little old ladies wear shawls why would I want one of those?” Because they are AWESOME. That is why. Well so far I would call these more like shawlettes, or evenContinue reading “Finished Object: Knit Oaklet Shawl”

Finished Object: Kernel Scarf

Ok, wow this project took me forever. I started it well over a year ago and put it down because I kept screwing up the lace. See this previous post for more backstory. I blocked it this week, and subsequently ordered some blocking wires. It is next to impossible to block lace too much whileContinue reading “Finished Object: Kernel Scarf”

Finished Objects: Tayberry Hat

Ok, when in your knitting career do you finally start to really visualize a knitted item from reading the pattern? Because I should have noticed by the fact there are no decreases in this hat pattern, that it would not be rounded at the top. It is literally a square hat, how strange. Anyways theContinue reading “Finished Objects: Tayberry Hat”

Finished Objects: Mairi Shawl

Somehow I finished this shawl while on vacation. I featured it in the beginning stages back on this post, and I actually blocked it when I got home this weekend, and just wove in my ends. It is done! I am really surprised at myself for being so speedy, although to be fair there wasContinue reading “Finished Objects: Mairi Shawl”

Projects that feel good- NICU Blanket

My family moved to Delaware almost 2 years ago and it has been kind of difficult to meet new people thanks to working full time, and being busy with the kids. So when a friend told me his wife was having her girlfriends over for a little party and I was invited, I jumped atContinue reading “Projects that feel good- NICU Blanket”

Two New Finished Projects!

Hello Blog! I’ve been away enjoying my summer, traveling and hanging out with my kids. It’s been great- but I didn’t get a whole lot of time for crafting. I did manage to get two knitting projects completed though! Earlier this summer, I started the Ginkgo Shoulderette to challenge myself with a larger piece- with aContinue reading “Two New Finished Projects!”

Suburban Stitcher

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Frog Me Knot

A knitter displaced from Mississippi and trying to navigate life in upstate New York


Eat . Explore . Knit . Grow

It's Knot You

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