Loose ends…..a baby sweater WIP

I am fairly certain my least favorite part of a project is dealing with all the finishing. Depending on the object, I try to weave in ends as I go, but this has not been happening lately. This sweater by DROPs Design is called the McDreamy. I loved it on the little baby model inContinue reading “Loose ends…..a baby sweater WIP”

Finished Objects: Mairi Shawl

Somehow I finished this shawl while on vacation. I featured it in the beginning stages back on this post, and I actually blocked it when I got home this weekend, and just wove in my ends. It is done! I am really surprised at myself for being so speedy, although to be fair there wasContinue reading “Finished Objects: Mairi Shawl”

Dusting off the sewing machine- Project Bag

Today was kind of a lazy day in this house, I slept in, did a little bit of cleaning, Skype’d with my husband, and broke out the sewing machine! I decided I needed a project bag because the two I have are just not enough lately, I seem to be having a hard time stayingContinue reading “Dusting off the sewing machine- Project Bag”

My first Yarn Bomb sighting!

So you all know by now that I was on vacation in Seattle Washington to visit my sister, it is over now but gosh we had a blast! I think it was on day 2 or 3 when we headed to Bellevue Washington for the BAM! Arts Fair. The whole downtown area was chock fullContinue reading “My first Yarn Bomb sighting!”

Quilt Project: Decisions, Decisions

So I have made a little progress on my quilt project! First, there was picking out a pattern. There are a LOT of quilt block patterns out there, ranging from the simplest of squares, to the most ornate appliqued amazing works of art. I settled on something relatively simple- a strip pieced zig-zag pattern IContinue reading “Quilt Project: Decisions, Decisions”

Suburban Stitcher

crafter. podcaster.

beth whiteside design

in the world of things made with string


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Frog Me Knot

A knitter displaced from Mississippi and trying to navigate life in upstate New York


Eat . Explore . Knit . Grow

It's Knot You

Happy healthy living with a lot of fiber

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A Beautiful Mess

crafts, food, simple pleasures


crafts, food, simple pleasures

Knit Spin Farm

crafts, food, simple pleasures